What is Acupuncture and what can it treat?
Acupuncture is the insertion and stimulation of small needles in specific points all over the body. The use of these needles sends signals throughout the body that trigger a biochemical response that promotes balance and restores healing.
A list of conditions and symptoms has been compiled by the World Health Organization regarding Acupuncture and it's ability to effectively respond. Acupuncture promotes and encourages the body to return to homeostatic balance. In doing so, the effects of acupuncture can be anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, relaxing, and hormonally receptive. Some of the best results can often come about with conditions that have curious symptoms or in situations where the exact diagnosis is unclear. Even in cases where the diagnosis is known, Chinese Medicine has it's own set of diagnostics used to assess a situation and formulate an appropriate treatment approach. Acupuncture is a great way to manage a wide range of conditions and can additionally compliment other treatment modalities and therapies. Some conditions often managed and treated by Acupuncture include:
Dermatological disorders Anxiety and Depression
Joint and Muscle Pain Cancer and Side Effects of Treatment
Stress Auto-Immune Conditions
Digestive Disorders Migraines and Headaches
Allergies and Asthma Cold and Flu
Morning Sickness Menstrual Irregularities
Menopausal Symptoms Infertility
Obesity Stroke
Memory Loss Neurological Disorders
Hypertension High Cholesterol
Addiction and Recovery Trauma
Impotence Acute Injury
Urinary Tract Infections HIV and AIDS Complications
Post Operative Pain Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
For more information and to see what others are saying about Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, please visit one of these links.
Other forms of therapy
To maximize therapeutic effects, your Acupuncture treatment may include one or more of the following therapies:
Gua Sha
Electrical Stimulation
Tui Na
Herbal Therapy
Dietary and Nutritional Consultation
Movement Assessment
Breathing Techniques
Heat Therapy
Magnetic Therapy

Are Herbs right for me?
Chinese medicine often uses Herbal Medicine to treat many common disorders and conditions. Plant and mineral substances are combined in a formula that is individually tailored to meet the Patient’s needs. Many modern day pharmaceuticals are derivatives of same plants used in herbal treatment modalities. Herbal Formulas can come in raw form, water-soluable granules, pills, tinctures and topical applications.